Tuesday, 29 May 2012

mass effect infiltrator

mass effect infiltrator on galaxy y or any QVGA device!!...

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Extreme Formula 3D

Extreme Formula 3D on galaxy Y or any QVGA device!!...

Demolition master icebeam

Demolition master icebeam on galaxy Y or any QVGA device!!...

Dark area Lite

Dark area Lite on galaxy y or any qvga device!...

Wave Blazer

Wave Blazer on galaxy Y or any QVGA device!!...

where is my water (full touch game)

where is my water on galaxy y (full touch game) or any QVGA device!...


Overkill on galaxy y or any QVGA device!...

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Need For Speed Hot Pursuit

Need For Speed Hot Pursuit on galaxy Y or any QVGA device! (friends the APK and data are fixed now :D thank you for your co-operation)...

Friday, 25 May 2012

Chainfire 3D gallery problem FIXED!!

Chainfire 3D gallery problem FIXED!! hi guys i was getting many request on how to solve the gallery problem that is caused by chainfire 3D actually the problem was that after using chainfire 3D the gallery got creepy and pixelated. BUT I FINALLY FIX THE PROBLEM. FOR THE FIRST TIME ON ANY ANDROID BLOG! HOW TO SOLV...

Thursday, 24 May 2012

brother in arms 2 global front HD

brother in arms 2 global front HD on galaxy y or any QVGA android device! Brother in A is a famous game series from Ubisoft & Gameloft. Brothers In Arms 2: Global Front ...

Tuesday, 22 May 2012


hey guys avatar hd  apk has been fixed. tut H...

Monday, 21 May 2012

Adobe Flash Player 11 for galaxy and other ARMv6 devices.

Adobe Flash Player 11 for galaxy and other ARMv6 devices. first the flash player comes to PC then on android high end devices and finally on phones like galaxy y!...

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Resident Evil 4 (bio hazard 4) on QVGA HVGA android decices

Resident Evil 4 (bio hazard 4) on QVGA HVGA android decices...

Gangstar 2: Miami Vindication HD

Gangster 2: Miami Vindication HD on galaxy Y or any QVGA, HVGA, WVGA android device!...

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


AVATAR HD on galaxy Y or any android device ...

Dead Space HD

Dead Space HD on galaxy Y or any android device...

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